One Simple Trick You Can Do NOW To Get What You Want Faster

You know the importance of keeping a gratitude journal every night, and writing down the things you’re grateful for that happened that day. But have you ever taken it one step further and expressed gratitude for things that HAVEN’T happened yet, but you’re hoping will happen? Try it. Amazing things start happening.

When you project your mind forward and act as though what you want is already here, and imagine what it will feel like as if it’s here, it puts you in the vibration of it already happening. You’ll immediately feel lighter, excited, and relieved. And because we’re in a universe of attraction, and vibrations are the medium we use to attract, it will literally bring those things you’re wanting faster and faster.

It took me about six weeks to manifest a thriving business from when I first started feeling grateful for a full practice. If you think that’s a long time, I’d already been actively engaged in filling my practice for 12 weeks, with no results. And how many years have you been wanting and hoping for something to show up, and you’re still just wanting and hoping? I’d say gratitude fast-tracked me to manifesting!

An interesting result I noticed when the things I did want showed up physically: I felt THE SAME WAY I did when I was expressing gratitude before it came! The vibration was actually the same! Woo hoo–I was doing it right! Dust off your imagination and get into the feeling of having it already, and feeling grateful and excited by it. When you do that consistently, your success is inevitable. I promise!

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