The Payoff of Trust

“When your headlights aren’t on, the best rearview mirror available isn’t likely to improve your driving.” –Don Peppers & Marth Rogers

So many people today have “trust issues.” It’s almost like a badge of honor people wear, that because something didn’t work out the way they wanted in the past, they can no longer trust anyone or anything, especially themselves. I understand the hurt of betrayal; we’ve all been betrayed by someone sometime. But in the interest of “protecting yourself” people refuse to step forward to something their heart is pulling them toward, unless and until they get some ironclad guarantee that it will have fantastical results or they’ll get all their money and time back, plus interest. 🙂

The trend seems to be “Show me the warmth from the fireplace and THEN I’ll throw in the wood.” But that’s just not how this experience is designed. We are to pay the toll and THEN cross the bridge. The purposes of this are two-fold: first, it declares to the Universe that your skin is in the game and completely changes your vibration to one of COMMITMENT. Second, the period of time between starting and arriving serves as a proving ground to make sure you’re locked onto your vision and prepares you for success. Trusting connects us to God and reminds us that it’s not all up to us. And what a relief that is! But the ONLY way to gain trust is to STEP INTO THE UNKNOWN, with full confidence that you’ll either have solid ground beneath you, or you will sprout wings to fly.

What do you think? Do you default to holding back or do you step forward in trust?

11 thoughts on “The Payoff of Trust”

  1. I step forward in trust. When I catch myself feeling doubtful, I just remind myself to trust the process. I have trained myself so well that I observe doubt very briefly. It serves me well. 🙂

  2. Always be aware of what’s around you. Trust your instincts and your heart. Sometimes logic is overthrown by my trust. I learn by trusting myself. Thanks for the great post!

  3. Trust can be a hard thing depending on the experiences you have had in your life. But sometimes the right opportunity or person comes along that causes you to let go of your fears and learn to trust again. The key is to allow that experience to happen and just take the leap! I heard recently “Don’t be afraid to leap. The net will appear.” The net is always there — sometimes we just don’t see it!

  4. YES you got to have faith in yourself and trust in God and within!! That is the only way you can grow spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

  5. i think we all suffer from trust issues from time to time.. and this form of ‘protecting oneself’ can be quite self sabotaging if not dealt with.. great post!

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