5 signs that you're a money hoarder

paying bills

I remember working really hard to get out of debt five years ago. I was tired of playing the credit card game, and we had a van payment that literally woke me up at night in anxiety, wondering how we were going to pay it every month and still eat. So, we got the cards paid off, shredded them and closed the accounts, and sold our van. FREEDOM! Wow, it felt so great to have nothing but our house payment every month, and that was easily paid for.

Yet, three years later, I felt just as cash-strapped being debt free as I did when we had worrisome debt. Why was it just as hard to pay the bills without debt as it was when we had the bills and also had debt??

It wasn’t until I dove into the miraculous world of energy work that I realized why I was still struggling, even without the debt. As much as I consciously wanted financial freedom, on an energetic, subconscious level I resonated with financial struggle. That was the language I spoke for years and years! And so, even though we were debt free, I still pulled financial struggle to me by the emotional drama I caused every month when it was time to pay the bills.

holding moneyMy stomach dropped when I saw the grocery bill every week; I hated looking at my bank statement because of how much wasn’t there; I felt like I was in a race and barely one step ahead of the bills. Emotionally I held my money tightly in my fist, and hated, absolutely hated, letting it go. I was a money hoarder in my mind.  And hoarding is the epitome of scarcity thinking.

Here are 5 signs that you’re a money hoarder and stuck in scarcity:

1. You feel guilty spending money, and especially when it’s money on yourself.

2. Your stomach knots or twists when you think about your bank statement, credit card statement, or any financial statement.

3. You put off paying bills until the very last minute, because you can’t stand seeing your money go.

4. All of the decisions you make are run through the filter of “Can we afford it?”

5. You feel frustrated, sick and worried whenever you think about money, which is a lot.

There is a specific energetic frequency of abundance, and another frequency of scarcity. And since everything is energy, it becomes a matter of resonating with the frequency we want. But the vast majority of people can’t do this alone. You can read all the books you want, listen to all the free webinars that are out there, and for the most part you’ll stay in the same place and just feel more frustrated because very little is happening. Know why? You need a mentor.

It took me almost 5 years to leave a business I no longer enjoyed. But once I did that,  in the space of just over a year I have grown in ways I never dreamed of growing, changed my mindset and energy around finances and starting a business, and all due to the fact that I had a mentor.


For the first time in my life I didn’t run the mentor idea through the “affordability filter.” And we’ve been able to make the investment payment every month. I think it’s because the universe saw that I was finally willing to walk my talk, and it has my back. The more I work with my mentor, the more convinced I become that you can’t afford NOT to have a mentor.

How much is it costing you every month to stay stuck where you are? What price are you paying not only in dollars, but in peace of mind, productivity, achieving your vision, feeling confident, relieved and healed from the past, not to mention a myriad of other things, by fumbling around trying to go it on your own?

Do you find yourself always stopping at the money? Is “Don’t let anything but money stop you” your mantra? You’ve lived by that mantra your whole life, and where has it taken you? Anyplace inspiring, expansive or exciting? I didn’t think so. It’s like one of my clients said, “I’ve got to DO something DIFFERENT.”

Let 2014 be your year for YOU! Step out of the old, false belief that doing something for yourself is selfish. The best thing I’ve ever done for my family and my relationship with my husband was invest in myself with a mentor and with the energy work of SimplyHealed. It has changed the dynamics of every part of my life, and all for the better. It’s time to stop settling for less, or talking ourselves out of our big dreams.tied in knots They’re right there for the taking; you just need someone to help you untie those knots of struggle you’re bound in, so you can reach out and claim them.

If you’re ready to let go of that struggle and create a prosperous 2014, click the contact pop-up box to schedule a discovery call with me. If you’re serious about being committed to your vision and you can feel those blocks holding you back, let’s hop on the phone this week.

10 thoughts on “5 signs that you're a money hoarder”

  1. I think a lot of how we perceive money and our habits with money come from how we were raised. I grew up in a single parent household with very little money, so I admit, that no matter how much money I have, I still hoard money as a way to feel secure. I never want to go back to where I came from. I try my best to live abundantly, but my old habits tend to sneak their way in a lot of the time. Excellent article Allyson!! Completely resonated with me!!!

  2. Many people are wrapped up in the value they place on money. When they NEED every dollar, a dollar is worth far more than $1. When it’s just paper and its value allows you to trade for things (read: no emotional attachment), then its value is far less, and you acquire more of it faster. I find the less I worry about it, and the less weight I give each dollar, the more it flows to me.

  3. Scarcity can be a hard pattern to break. I am very fortunate that I was taught about money when I was young. I am blessed to do something I love, make an abundant living and not have to feel these awful emotions around money.

  4. Thanks Julie. Old family patterns can be very difficult to break on our own. I’d encourage you to work with a mentor who can help you erase those patterns so it’s no longer a struggle to live abundantly. I’m glad you liked the post!

  5. Thank you for sharing your story Allyson! I agree, investing in a mentor is so powerful!

  6. Such a great post Allyson.. I’ve worked with mentors in my company in the past and its amazing how another person can really steer you in the right direction by letting you do all the work – had they not been there I probably would not be doing this work today! Mentors are very important.

  7. Hi folks, it’s a small thing, but i thought i would share.I was at Costco in the mdldie of the day, with time to spare. How rare!I noticed that the two folks behind me were each holding a single item. Well, no problem. I asked each of them if they would like to go ahead of me, and what do you know they did!Since the checkout crew at Costco are a well-oiled team, it only took an extra 3 minutes out of my day, and made those customers pretty happy.Pay It Forward!

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