The Problem With Positive Thinking

Did I mess up on that title? Did you read that right? There’s a problem with positive thinking?
Actually, yes.  Sometimes positive thinking can make you feel worse  because you feel like it’s a lie.
I guess it’s not really the thinking that’s the problem. It’s the accompanying feeling that causes the angst. You might sing that old song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” but you still feel worried and upset, so singing the song only makes you feel like a hypocrite, or worse, it makes you feel hopeless.
When you’re feeling rotten, you’re just not in the mood to think positively. Trying to make yourself think happy thoughts won’t  help pop you out of feeling rotten. What you want to do is simply distract yourself from feeling rotten. Put on some upbeat music, go do something physically exerting, pick up a good book. If you throw yourself into it, I guarantee within five minutes you’ll pop yourself out of feeling rotten. Know why? Because you’ll be DOING something positive! That will cause you to feel more positive, and get your thoughts aligned with the positive results coming down the pike.
So, what do you DO to pop yourself into feeling positive? I’d love more ideas to add to my toolbox!

14 thoughts on “The Problem With Positive Thinking”

  1. I agree with you. If we consciously think positive when our emotions are low, it can make us feel lacking in authenticity and also feel bad that we feel bad! So I think the solution is to have feelings without the thoughts first. Then reach for better feeling thoughts in increments.

  2. Great post. 🙂 I agree that one of the ways to get in the habit of positive thinking is to focus our energy on things that we enjoy. 🙂 We attract what we focus our attention on. I was listening to Tony Robbins and he said that a depressed person is someone who has deleted all the positives from their mind. On the flip side, a positive person deletes all the negative from their mind. 😀

  3. We all have our moments. When I’m in that “mood” I love to go for a run or gratitude walk. Just being in nature helps me focus on all the blessings in my life and keeps me thinking positive. I believe creating a vision bigger than your self and your circumstances gets you through the inevitable “bumps” in our life.

  4. That’s a cool take, Monika. How do you have feelings without thoughts, though? I’m curious to find out!

  5. That’s really cool. Zina. Turning our focus to something we enjoy is a great way to get us out of a funk! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great post, just thinking with out the positive emotions does no good. It’s so important to have the feelings that correspond with the positive thoughts.

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