Worrying is a Misuse of Imagination

Whoever said this nailed it right on the head! Worrying serves no purpose whatsoever. It certainly doesn’t get you ahead, because it’s based in scarcity, fear and lack. I’ve never felt better after I’ve spent ten minutes worrying about something; have you? And I’ve never worried my way into the solution, either.

I used to lie awake at night, worrying about how to pay all our bills and eat at the same time. And yet, we never went hungry or had to skip a meal because we didn’t have money to get groceries. And our bills always got paid, and on time! I know most people aren’t as fortunate.

How much time is wasted on worrying about things that never happen? Wouldn’t it be better to resist the temptation to fall into worry and instead focus on your desired end result? And since we can only focus on one idea at a time, it’s really a lot easier than you might think.

I love to turn on upbeat, fun music to get me out of worry. I also love to talk to myself as if what I want has already happened. It sounds like, “Wow, remember when you wanted that salsa red Toyota Sienna and how easy it was to pay for, and how fun it was to drive? Wasn’t that so cool?!” You can do this with anything you’re wanting, or anything you’re afraid of, or to turn around worry. It’s so much fun! And it makes me feel so powerful and vibrant! That’s when I flip from worrier to warrior, and I feel unconquerable!

What do you do when you find yourself misusing your imagination with worry?

1 thought on “Worrying is a Misuse of Imagination”

  1. Pingback: What did Worrying Ever Do For You?

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