The Useless Emotion of Worry


“No one ever worried their way out of a problem.” I’ve heard this quote before, but never applied it to myself until recently. That’s when I learned that worry is nothing more than putting faith or energy toward an undesired outcome. That’s when I sat up and took notice! If what you focus on expands, then I was only fueling the problem by worrying about it. I would much rather fuel the solution! Wouldn’t you?
Einstein said that problems cannot be solved with the same thinking that created them in the first place, and he’s absolutely right. Know why? Because the vibration of the problem is a different frequency from the vibration of the solution, and it’s impossible to bring the solution to you when you’re pulling more problem to you by way of your vibration!
I’ve noticed that it’s only after I get out of thinking about the problem (and all the HOWS associated with getting out of it), and when I take a step back and get my mind on something else, that possible solutions start coming to mind.
So relax! The solution is right there, waiting for you to put the worry down so you can grab onto that solution and continue forward!
How do you get out of worry and into solving? Comment below. I’d love to get your ideas!

4 thoughts on “The Useless Emotion of Worry”

  1. If I spend enough time in silence, nothing worries me. And if I don’t…spending some time in silence eliminates the worry and the solutions start to come. 🙂

  2. A concise and well thought out way to explain the truth. I agree that worrying about things will not lead to resolving the matter at hand. Hence, it’s important to relax and focus our energies on the solution. 🙂

  3. Relaxing and focusing our energy on positive things is the key, Zina! Thanks so much for your comment!

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