Better than Perfect


I have a 7 year old daughter who gets to be the Star Student next week at school. Part of this honor includes a poster of pictures of things she likes, her family, and growing up. We just moved from 1400 sq. ft into 2800 sq. ft. and the house is piled with boxes, I’ve been working two jobs while launching a business, running my 15 year old to rehearsal, my 13 and 10 year olds to piano, even this same child to gymnastics…this is part of being a mommy, and I am happy to carve out time to put together a poster for her!

 And because of everything on my plate, I gave myself a break on making it ‘scrapbook worthy’ and miraculously found a few pictures of her in the first few boxes I opened, got bright pink poster board–since it’s her favorite color–spent 20 minutes with the markers  and created a poster for her. And the markers smeared and I couldn’t erase all the pencil marks, but I didn’t care. It was DONE!

And now here I sit, struggling to write the perfect blog post on how ‘done’ is better than perfect! Ironic, isn’t it?

How many times do you start a project or answer a higher calling and partway into it end up scrapping it because it just isn’t turning out perfect? We tend to hold ourselves to an impossible standard while giving everyone around us the benefit of the doubt.

Well, you have my permission to release the pressure and just get it done! It doesn’t need to be even close to perfect! This is one form of fear that sabotages us so quickly and so completely to our core, because we don’t feel like we’re enough. I’m here to tell you that you are more than enough, exactly where you are right this moment!

So, get yourself together and get your stuff done, and rejoice that it’s complete. And Done will always be better than perfect.

4 thoughts on “Better than Perfect”

  1. Yes, when we complete what we set out to do, we are living in integrity. It is such an empowering space, so much better than striving for perfection, which can stymie action.

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