How to Grow a Money Tree with 4 Simple Ingredients

money treeUndoubtedly you’ve heard the phrase “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Well, today we’re going to prove that adage wrong! Money is like air, believe it or not. The energy that money carries is simply the emotion that we give around our belief of money. So let’s use our emotion to create an idea that will sprout into a gorgeous, fruit-giving money tree!

To grow a tree you need 4 things: seed, soil, sun and water. That’s it. To grow a money tree, you only need 4 things: an idea, a fertile brain to grow that idea, people to warm that idea, and resources to nourish that idea.

When you feel something pulling you, calling you, that’s your Higher Self speaking to you, urging you to higher growth. Keep your mind open to the possibilities of that calling–that’s keeping the soil fertile for your idea to blossom. Don’t keep planting and then plucking the idea out. What a waste of time! Let that seed of an idea grow in there, believing that it will grow into something wonderful. When weeds of doubt and fear try to grow in there–and believe you me, they will– pluck them out and toss them aside as quickly as you think them, by concentrating only on what you want your idea to produce.


You will be naturally led to the people who will be the most beneficial to growing your idea. They’re like sunshine for your idea. Be on the lookout for them, because at first it will be very subtle. The higher your awareness, though, the sooner they’ll show up. It’s serendipity at its finest!


rainWater is essential to growing a seed into its potential, and if you believe and act when inspired, you will be supplied with the resources you need to continue to grow your little idea seed.

When you decide to walk in the direction of your dreams, and then actually move your feet in that direction, the entire universe conspires to help you! Be patient with the process; for even a tree takes time to grow from  seed to oak. But the process is filled with fun and miracles, so enjoy it while you’re going through it. You need this time to grow, or you will never fully appreciate the fruit of your money tree.time

So, where are you in the process of your tree growing? Waiting for the seed to show up? Using your resources to nurture it? Share below and we can cheer  you on!

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