How to Have Patience in 43 Seconds or Less

Last year we took a family vacation to Disneyland. Since we have four kids and live in Utah, it made more financial sense to drive rather than to fly everyone down. It’s about a 10 hour drive, and when we hit California it started to sound like this: “This is taking FOREVER! Are we there yet? Everything looks the same. When is it going to change?”

Sound familiar? Only, these questions didn’t come from my children who were 6, 9, 12 and 15. Sadly enough, they came from me! I was so excited to go to Disneyland, and it seemed so far off I felt we would never get there.

Recently I thought about that trip in regard to having a big goal. So often we start on our journey bright eyed and bushy tailed, and at some point we hit a snag, come across a barrier, or most deceptively…NOTHING IS CHANGING. And that frustrates us, scares us, or discourages us and we want to quit.

But I learned a universal law of abundance called the Law of Gestation, which helped me put my lack of patience in a better perspective. This law says that every dream we have has an incubation period that is finite. That means all our goals and dreams have to have time to mature so that they can be as magnificent in our reality as they are in our visions. It also says that this period is finite, meaning it will have an ending.  There are things we need to learn and experiences we need to have before that dream can manifest in its proper form. Women are pregnant for nine months for a reason–that’s how long it takes for a baby to be ready for this environment. Scary and oftentimes problematic things happen when the baby comes before its time.

Even though the scenery wasn’t changing for me during that long journey through the California desert, we were continually moving in the right direction!  That was the path we needed to take to arrive at our destination. If I had gotten frustrated and fed up with the journey and turned around partway into it, how lame would I have been! I knew going into it that it would be long and boring, but that was part of the process.

When you keep in mind that the journey is an integral part of the dream, but that the dream really is at the end, and that the journey is what we get to experience while the dream matures, it helps us be a little bit more patient with the process. It kind of casts patience in a different light, doesn’t it? You wouldn’t want a half-baked dream, would you?

So the next time you start feeling antsy that what you want hasn’t arrived yet, take a deep breath and realize that a universal law is in play here, and it’s for your greatest good that it’s taking its time. (And YOU thought the only universal law was the Law of Attraction!)

What do you think? I’d love to hear your take on the Law of Gestation. Leave a comment below.

1 thought on “How to Have Patience in 43 Seconds or Less”

  1. Love the article and I totally agree! I have seen how things have happened for me at exactly the right time, and been aware of the things that I had realized just previous that were important for me to know first! 🙂

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