Simply, Ridiculously Abundant

image“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” –Marilyn Monroe

Why is it that people will wholeheartedly agree with this quote from Marilyn, and yet refuse to live it? Most will play small throughout their lives, afraid of rocking any kind of boat, shining their tiny little flashlight of brilliance every once in a while so as not to make anyone else feel small and insignificant. I can be so bold in this assertion because I grew up playing small, afraid to shine too brightly for fear that others would think I was arrogant–because when I DID shine, that’s what I was called. We’re told in the New Testament to share our talents, yet when I did I was subtly told to tone it down.

Now I realize that, just like Marianne Williamson asserts, playing small doesn’t serve anyone. It’s not in my best interest or in the best interests of people I am supposed to help while on this earth. I am on this earth to be a freaking BEACON to others, not a measly AA flashlight! And so I have decided to embrace my inner ridiculousness. The new path I am on has been called absolutely ridiculous by some members of my family–though not in so many words. Mostly it’s called “snake oil” by my parents, as though I am still so naïve that I don’t know authenticity from a con. But that’s them playing small. That’s them choosing the absolutely boring path, rather than the absolutely ridiculous one.

Right now I am in the midst of my madness, preparing to launch an online video summit called The Simply Abundant Summit. And believe me, it feels like madness! I’ve listened to the giant voices in my head tell me I’m being absolutely ridiculous, and who do I think I am, and this is not going to work. I finally had a sit down talk with my ego and told myself–out loud–“Whether you like this or not I am doing it. Whether you’re comfortable or not, this is happening. You can either get on board or get out of my way, because I am moving forward with this whether you’re okay with it or not.” And once I did, those pesky voices have shut up and let me be in charge instead of them! Perhaps they are finally convinced that this madness of mine is genius after all. Madness in that I’m pursuing this path not knowing what I’m doing, and genius that I’m actually doing it, knowing it will be amazing without knowing how I know!

For the first time in my life I’m embracing my imperfection and letting the world see that beauty, and I’m willing to play the role of absolutely ridiculous if that will bring relief and healing to others’ lives. Who remembers the absolutely boring people anyway? It’s the absolutely ridiculous ones that make their way into our lives and a home in our hearts. Those are the ones we want to have in our story, right?

It’s absolutely ridiculous the abundance that has come into my life over the last year. And though we have experienced financial abundance, it has been so much more encompassing than just riches. I have been ridiculously abundant in fabulous memories with my children and my spouse, fantastic food with friends, and people who have been brought to my path to help me along this new route of ridiculous. As soon as I chose to look at the abundance surrounding me, it showed up in ridiculous amounts of wonderful! And I remember telling myself out loud one day, “If I’m going to choose to be abundant, I might as well choose to be ridiculously abundant.” And wow…once I chose it, and looked for it, it showed up!  Ridiculous!

So what do you choose? Ridiculous or boring? What does ridiculous look like in your life? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Like, comment and share below and let’s have a ridiculously fun conversation!

11 thoughts on “Simply, Ridiculously Abundant”

  1. I choose Ridiculous!!!! To support people in their own transformations. And I so appreciate what you have to say! LOVE and LIGHT!

  2. That is completely ridiculous! 🙂 Look at all the lives you will positively impact by your ridiculous decision!

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