Money Kinks

“Prosperity is the art of being financially successful and fortunate. Prosperity doesn’t mean having hoards of money; it means that the money you have is managed in a positive way. Regardless of what we have on paper, it’s the way we live that makes us prosperous. Money is like energy: if it is used, it creates more; if it is stifled and stored, it absorbs you. To use money as energy, we cannot be attached to it. We are wise to release money with the positive thought that it will continue to work for us, that the energy cycles will not be broken. If you want freedom but you work all day with the belief that only money will give it to you, when will you ever have the time to be free?

Money is an apparition, a dream; if you chase after it as if it were real you become part of a dream, different from what you are. This dream can become a nightmare and cause a person extreme detriment and desperation. The belief that having money is good and not having money is bad is limiting and mistaken; having money is totally useless unless you have a use for it, and if the use you have in mind is a negative one, then money can be destructive. By the same token, not having money is a problem only at those crucial moments when you need money. [Money angels] can help move those crucial moments around to the times when you have money–hence, no problem.

…Wealth and abundance come from an attitude of seeing our lives as fortunes in and of themselves, rich and plentiful with enough to go around. With a prosperous attitude comes a knowing that the universe will take care of us. [Money angels] make invisible deals for you, which may involve transferring your wealth–that is, converting time, energy and ideas into more negotiable commodities. Or they may make deals to enable you to enjoy your wealth more with love. Or they may need to teach you about gratitude–to be grateful for what you have rather than focus on scarcity. They may teach you to be grateful for each moment as a precious gift and thankful for each situation as a valuable lesson regardless of what you have in your wallet.”

-Terry Lynn Taylor
“Messengers of Love, Light & Grace: Getting to Know Your Personal Angels”

This passage I read hit me with such force, and resonated so strongly within me, that I knew this needed to be the message to send out. I think this passage illustrates so beautifully all the ways we kink ourselves up over money: not being grateful, focusing on what we don’t have rather than what we do, feeling desperate regarding money, not trusting it will come back if we let it go, handing it over with a tight fist and a heavy heart. I may not be describing you, but I am definitely describing my personal experience with money at various times in my life!

Most people are kinked up over money, and know they’re kinked up over it. But what might surprise you is to know that the negative energy you feel around money may not be yours. Many people have generational issues around money, issues that are easily cleared with energy work. If you’re wondering why money seems to trigger you so much, it may not be your issue at all: it could very easily be that there is energy that’s been passed down through the generations and you’re still carrying those effects.

Until very recently in the world’s history, no one ever had money except for the king,and life was filled with struggle and hardships. We no longer need to learn from that angle, or be taught from that angle. Negative thoughts can literally be released on the vapor of a breath. So, take a deep breath and let go. Let those energetic kinks release themselves easily and naturally, live in daily gratitude for the blessings you already enjoy, and watch your money story transform!


12 thoughts on “Money Kinks”

  1. Yes, we’ve got to be grateful for what we have so God can bless us with more. He never gives us more unless He knows we can handle it 🙂

  2. I love this Allyson. This is exactly the message I needed at just the right time. Thank you for sharing, educating and inspiring. Sending love, hugs and light!

  3. I so agree with this information. I have just talked about the book a Millionaire Mind and find myself saying things like “I don’t need much money”, “things are tight with my business funds”, etc. What I’m getting is just that! Thanks for the great info and reminder!!

  4. It’s amazing and miraculous once we realize what we’re saying and thinking, that we really do get back what we send out! Flip it to gratitude and see how things literally transform!

  5. I’m so glad this helped you, Tamara! When you find yourself slipping back, take a deep breath and let it all go!

  6. That’s so very true! We can handle a whole lot more than we give ourselves credit for!

  7. Powerful post and so well explained in real true understandable language. Thank you for this great share love it.

  8. Prosperity is a buzz word for me too! I’m glad you liked the post. Thanks for your feedback!

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