Listening My Way to Thin

I feel fat. Knowing how powerful our thoughts and feelings are in creating our reality, you can imagine how feeling fat is a concern to me. After spending four months of this year being pregnant and eating my way to comfort, I know exactly why I’ve put on an extra 20 pounds. But what has stumped me is why I’m having such a hard time wrapping my head around getting it off and keeping it off.

I know exactly what I’m supposed to do: eat right, stay away from sugar, exercise for an hour a day, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. We all know what we need to do to get and stay healthy. I’ve done the no sugar thing: for 15 months I was completely off refined sugar. No desserts, no treats, nothing. I felt fabulous! And the second I allowed myself a Christmas goodie, that was the end of it. I couldn’t get enough. Staying off sugar for the rest of my life is not sustainable.

I want something easy, sustainable, effortless and achievable. Last year I tried affirmations and calorie counting, which worked quite well. But right now the calorie counting feels so tedious and restricting, even with all the incredible apps that are available today.

I’m trying a new experiment this time, one I’m hoping and trusting will finally do the trick. I will start out having a SimplyHealed session to clear myself of limiting and false beliefs, and plug in higher vibrations that naturally lead to inspired action. The only “help” I will allow is in the form of DoTerra’s Slim ‘n’ Sassy essential oil. No shakes, no diet pills, no nothing. This time, it has to be sustainable for life. I’m tired of losing the same 20 pounds over and over again! The biggest difference this time is that I am going to actively listen to my body. And I will obey what it’s telling me.

I’ve found that lately I’m trying to fill a void, which is why I’m eating when I’m not hungry, and eating a lot of chocolate…in the form of chocolate covered macadamia caramel nut clusters from Costco. Heaven! Ambrosia! And easily rationalized because it’s a nut!

Rather than psychoanalyze the WHY of the void-filling, I’ll go down to the emotional root (easy with SimplyHealed), pluck it out, and go! It really is as simple as that. I’ve done this before with great results, but I want lifelong results this time. What was missing last time was my personal power. I am fabulous with a goal, and unstoppable when there is a prize (last time it was a friendly bet between my brother and me, and it got me a cool $100), but after the prize is spent I give away all my power to the food gods.

If I let you know about my experiment I have some personal accountability, and I can let you know firsthand if weight gain really is all in your head. If you’d like to join me on this, you’re definitely welcome! I’ll post about it every couple of weeks and you can feel free to comment. Or you can email me anytime and let me know how your journey is going.

If you want to know exactly what I’m doing and follow along, here it is in some easy to follow bullet points:

  • Start off with a SimplyHealed session to clear away any energetic residue from past weight issues
  • Take DoTerra’s Slim ‘n’ Sassy metabolic blend essential oil daily. I will muscle test exactly how many drops are needed every day.
  • Actively listen to my body and do what it feels like doing, from a healthy standpoint. It always feels like eating chocolate, but from a healthy energetic standpoint it will probably not tell me to eat chocolate very often. 🙂
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I might gradually work up to doing an hour a day, but again, I will
  • listen to my body to know which work-out to do and how long to  do  it.
  • Stop eating when my body tells me I’m no longer hungry, and wait to eat until my body tells me I am hungry. And I will
  • listen and obey the first time it tells me this!
  • Listen when my body tells me I’m thirsty and immediately obey if there is water around. Hint: carry around a bottle of water.
  • Positive I Am statements (or affirmations) daily, and immerse myself in what it feels like to be thin!
  • Nothing is off limits. If I want a piece of cake or a brownie, I will enjoy every bite that my body wants. I am very confident that my body really does not want the entire pan of brownies. I’m sure that a few bites will satisfy it nicely. It is only my mouth that wants the entire pan.

That’s it. That’s my plan. No need to be crazy or extreme. I will be amazed at how easily I hear my body and interpret its signals once I’m tuned in. Exercise need not be expensive either. Walking is one of the best things for the body, and all you need is a good pair of walking shoes for that! And since it’s getting nice and warm where I am, everything is easily implemented right now.

If, by chance, you’d like to hop on this particular bandwagon and get a SimplyHealed session and some Slim ‘n’ Sassy oil, I can hook you up with both for $75. You’ll get a downloadable MP3 of a Group Weight Loss Session and I’ll mail you the oil.
I have a feeling it will be the cheapest, most fun and effective weight loss program you’ll ever experience!

I will keep you posted with my progress and comment below if you would like to share your own experience.

2 thoughts on “Listening My Way to Thin”

  1. You really nailed it on the head with this post! I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around getting it off and keeping it off too. It’s very frustrating. I’m tired of the calorie counting, and extreme workouts. I want to lose the weight that I gained back in a positive way. I need to listen to my body more, quit letting my mouth take over. I do not need to eat the whole cake! I think my issues that are holding me back and keeping me heavier than I would like to be is emotional stress, and yo yo dieting. I like your plan of how you plan to lose your weight! I will have to try it. Thanks for sharing this post. It was really good! Good luck friend! Looking forward to seeing and hearing your about your progress. =D

  2. Thanks Karen! I would love to take this journey with you. It’s always more fun with a friend! And you still look amazing.

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